Packaging as Artistic sculpture

Packaging as Artistic sculpture

Packaging as Artistic sculpture

Packaging as Artistic sculpture

Packaging as Artistic sculpture

Packaging as Artistic sculpture

Packaging as Artistic sculpture

Packaging as Artistic sculpture

Packaging as Artistic sculpture
Hugmyndin af sýningunni var að gefa formi umbúðana nýtt vægi. Án áprentunar fær formið notið sín ótruflað. Umbúðirnar fá annað hlutverk þar sem formið verður sjálfstætt listrænt form sem staðið getur eitt án matar, vöru eða drykkjar. Að taka umbúða-formið úr sínu hversdagslega hlutverki inn í listrænt umhverfi breytist tilgangur þess á mörkum notagildis og skúlptúrs. Formið sjálft skapar sér sinn eigin tilgang eða tilgangsleysi.
The idea with this exhibition was to give the packaging construction a new relevance. Without graphic the form stands uninter-rupted. The packaging gains a new function as an independent artistic form that can stand on its own without food, products or beverage. By taking the packaging out of its ordinary role into artistic surroundings changes its object on the boundary between utility and sculpture. The form itself creates its own purpose or purposeless.